
Garth Williams
Garth Williams

#1 Requested Feature

The Number 1. requested feature for Group Consent, so far, has been translations; all pages and app screens being made available in the preferred language of our users. It makes sense really, Group Consent is a tool that can be used by organisations all across Europe. And although the General Data Protection Regulation is a single policy, Europeans speak many languages.

Of course we always planned to translate Group Consent, but when you are in the early stages of making something new, there are a lot of changes happening very frequently. Unfortunately it's just not practical to maintain several languages until an application matures a little.

We still have a lot planned for Group Consent in the future, but the core features have now settled down to the point where we think that now is the right time.

Hard at Work

So for the last couple of weeks we've been hard at work adding support for translations to all aspects of Group Consent. This turned out to be a much bigger job than expected. Without boring you with the technical details, we are adding internationalisation support to all aspects of our website, including all information pages, the Group Consent app, our emails and even this blog.

The technical work is complete. We are now beginning with the actual translation effort. We hope to make these changes available in the next week or so, starting with a German translation (since we are based in a German speaking country) with other languages to follow.

We Speak Your Language

So if you have been holding off on signing up for Group Consent because of language, we hope that we can soon welcome you in your own tongue. Why not drop us an email and let us know which language your Group would prefer.

And, of course, you can still sign up for a 30 day free trial or our free plan and see how Group Consent can help your Organisation manage member consent preferences.