What's happening at Group Consent, including some behind the scenes info.

The Number 1. requested feature for Group Consent, so far, has been translations; all pages and app screens being made available in the preferred language of our users. It makes sense really, Europeans speak many languages.

Garth Williams

Mid February 2021 Update
We have been preparing to onboard our first large account. As is usually the case, it's only when you push a system to its limits, under real world conditions, that you fully realise if those limits are enabling (helping to simplify) or blocking.

Garth Williams

2020, A Year Online
Groups had to find new ways to meet. For many this was the first time that they had to deal with chat, video and other online tools. Groups had to innovate in order to stay together. Although it has been tough, there have also been some success stories.

Garth Williams

We Have Launched
We finally took the "Preview" badge off the website yesterday. We still have a lot of things planned and I know that there are some rough edges, but by putting in some intense work in the past month we managed to launch!

Garth Williams