Mid February 2021 Update

Garth Williams
Garth Williams


Over the last couple of weeks we have been preparing to onboard our first large account. As is usually the case, it's only when you push a system to its limits, under real world conditions, that you fully realise if those limits are enabling (helping to simplify) or blocking.

Recent Updates

During this process a couple of blocking issues were uncovered and we have been hard at work to remedy the situation. As a result we have released a number of updates including:

  • Improved Rich Text Editing - for group descriptions and consent descriptions.
  • Mandatory Consents - which must be accepted before members can join the group.
Mandatory Consent

Upcoming Features

We also have some other useful updates to improve the experience for larger organisations coming very soon. So watch this space for more information.

We're here for groups on any size

Of course we are happy to support organisations, with groups of any size, with their GDPR consent compliance. Why not sign up for one of our Group Consent Plans which all come with a 30 day free trial! Or for smaller groups we have a free plan (up to 15 members).