We Have Launched

Garth Williams
Garth Williams

The Final Push

We finally took the "Preview" badge off the website yesterday. We still have a lot of things planned and I know that there are some rough edges, but by putting in some intense work in the past month we managed to launch!

Privacy at the Core

As a service that promotes privacy and GDPR, it was very important that Group Consent also live up to the same standards. This means that our partners and services we use must all have the same ideals. We selected EU based hosting and a privacy focused analytics service.

We also built Group Consent itself to be GDPR compliant. We don't use cookies for marketing or tracking purposes and all personally identifying information is stored separately so that it can easily be deleted if requested.

What is Group Consent Anyway?

Group Consent is ideal for clubs, schools, churches, etc... basically all organisations that store personally identifying information about their members. According to GDPR rules, consent must be given before personally identifying information is stored, processed or transferred. The core feature of Group Consent is to create consent forms for Groups so that the consent of each member can be recorded.

Plans at Launch

At launch we have two plans. A free small plan which can be used for groups up to 15 members and a standard plan which can be use by organisations with up to a 1000 members across multiple groups. Paid plans come with a 30 day free trial, so there is no risk to try out Group Consent.

Still have questions or not sure how Group Consent can help your organisation, why not get in touch and we can discuss your situation.